My last shopping of the month!
I hit the bread outlet today... 2 loaves cottage bread 1 pack cinnamon raisin bagles 12 ct hot dog buns with the 25% discount on Saturdays, it came to $4.33 for everything. (I know - that is just a little over what a loaf of cottage bread is at the store!!) Monthly Tally $100.00 - 5.87 ------------- $ 94.13 to go - 4.22 Denny's - 12.11 Rocky's - 8.83 Copp's ------------- $68.97 TO GO - 5.97 from HyVee bacon -$14.21 from Copp's today ------------- $48.79 to go -$10.96 for today's run ------------- $37.83 to go -$16.62 Target Run ------------- $21.25 TO GO -$15 today for five Copp's Transactions ------------- $6.25 to go and I only have to hit the bread outlet! -$4.33 ------------- $1.92 under budget for the month! YIPEE!!!! How did you do with your budget for the month>?