The Birthday Party

We had THREE birthday parties for Sarah this year! You already heard about the "puppy party" where we invited her entire preschool class and the gifts were for the local Humane Society. That was party number one.

On her actual birthday, it was just a special day for the three of us! We did fun stuff in the morning, lunch at A&W, had a playdate, saw the new Shrek movie and had her tomato soup for dinner. She also got to open one gift from us. That was party number two.

Saturday was party number three. It was family and a few close friends. We keep the Puppy theme, served the Oscar Meyer hot dogs and brats, potato salad, watermelon, grapes, chips, soda and had a puppy cake. It was made by our neighbor - was a very moist white cake with strawberries in the middle. The frosting was green tinted whipped cream. That is where she gave it to me and I decorated it with my Cricut Cake. I used the Paper Pups cartridge, cut out four dogs (she is four), added flowers to the corners and used the dog's noses to hold the candles.We had the party at Mom and Jim's (the house we are going to be buying) so it was a pool party - which was perfect for the hot day! You can see a few of the Oscar Meyer frisbees floating in the water...just part of the House Party kit I won!Sarah had to check the temp of the pool before the guests arrived!Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, God Parents, and more were there and this party, she got gifts that she could keep! Fun things for a four year old like crafting items, Disney DVDs, doll clothes, a Lite Brite, play golf set, even a Birthday Barbie!Her "art cart" is now full of great things like beads, pipe cleaners, modeling clay, and craft sticks. She has played a few rounds of golf with her Daddy and sleeps with the new Barbie! She doesn't realize it yet, but my Mom gave her the gift of activity by paying for next year's ballet classes! (Mom rocks!!) What more could a little girl ask for?

Dasha was still dealing with jet lag...I was surprised that she came out for the party and stayed out. I did get her to pop on a suit and she got in the pool when I did. The kid swims like a fish and was just laughing away! Sadly, when I got out of the pool, so did she. She ate a little watermelon and almost fell asleep in the chair as you can see.
Happy Birthday my little Bug-A-Boo!


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