Driveway DIY

Curb appeal is a HUGE thing to a home buyer -- you need to have everything visibly appealing to help make that killer first impression! I have done a great job with the flower beds, there is always something blooming in my yard - all spring,summer and fall. When the did the street work a few years ago, we had the front walk replaced. Hubby put nice black railings in by the stairs. The dying 80 year old pine trees had been removed and their stumps drilled out so we could create a grassy front lawn. Now it is time to address the driveway!

This is the year of me getting it done or paying someone to do it for me!

Mom taught me how to repair concrete cracks and I touched up the foundation of the garage. (Looks pretty darned good, if I say so myself!) I also have windows to repair and re glaze and a bathroom project to finish - along with getting my dishwasher installed (I earned it almost 10 years ago from Tupperware and it's been sitting in my garage on a pallet) Now it is time to tackle the blacktop driveway that has sorely been neglected, as you can see from the pictures.

Here is the rub: you need HOT days with no rain to get this all done. There are several steps that need to be done, in order, with time in between for things to set. I can start this today and fill the cracks, but the next step will have to wait until we get back from our vacay as it will rain Sunday night and up until we leave! So let's just get done what we can!

First things first: Dig all the crud out of the cracks! I used my dear hubby's screw driver for that. (Yes, I am a little hostile right now...)

This is easier to do if you pour boiling water on the plants or simply salt them a few days in will take less muscle to yank them out.

Then you get out the leaf blower and remove all dried grass clippings, piles of crud you dug out of the cracks, ants and more!

***DO NOT USE a hose to do this step! The water wont get off everything that you need removed AND it wets down the area - when it needs to be dry for you! BORROW a leaf blower from anyone that you can, it goes much easier!

THEN you are ready for the crack filler! In true tightwad fashion, I watched for the sales and cashed in on rock bottom pricing for the supplies - everything I needed came to less than $50. Keep in mind that $50 is a LOT less than the $1,200 to have someone else do it or the $4,000 to have a new driveway installed because the old one fell apart.

I got through one bottle of crack filler before my hands were cramping and my back aching. The other bottle will have to wait until tomorrow morning when it is cooler and I am recovered, LOL!

I will keep you updated on the progress! Just remember- I am 40+ with a lot of arthritis, FibroMyalgia, TMJ and more -- if I can do this YOU can!


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