I Did It.


Saved in LESS than one year -- eight days less to be exact, LOL!

As of 2/28 - I still needed $3,163 to meet my goal before March 18th.

Since then I have done a few Tupperware Parties, a HUGE Inventory Clearance Sale, and then, today is my birthday!

Thanks to a few friends and family members who put me over the top!!!

I will share a breakdown in a few weeks, of how much money I saved from the changes in our grocery store/wags deals, from changing the eating out habit, and a few other biggies that accounted for over half of what I saved this past year.

THANK YOU for following along!! I DO have a few new savings goals, and will share them with you soon --

Just remember, YOU CAN DO IT! You can drastically change your focus to match your priorities -- start with small steps and rock it out!




  1. Congratulations, Dannelle! What a great accomplishment!...and Happy Birthday, too! :-)

  2. WOW That is impressive. Can't wait to see the breakdown of how you did it!!

  3. I missed this post, but WHOO HOO! Awesome job!! :D Congratulations! :)


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