Thinking Out Of The Box With Prescriptions
I have acid reflux, or GERD as it is known, thanks to a fun family trait. Prescription acid inhibitors, taken daily, make a HUGE difference
in comfort level and help me avoid the surgery my aunt had where she had to have her esophagus re-wrapped on the inside to
replace the acid damage.
I take Omeprazole: thirty pills, with my insurance, runs $35, or $1.16 a pill.
I found a better way to do it!
Walgreen's has their 42 ct pack of Omeprazole on sale for $17.99 and you get back an $8 RR, basically paying $9.99 or $.23 a pill as it is a larger pack with a smaller price!
This deal comes up every 3 to 4 months and I pick up a few sets. Three boxes means 126 pills, or a four month supply AND instead of paying $140.00 for that, I am now paying $29.97, saving over $100 easily!
Here is the fun part...our prescriptions are not in our $100 monthly budget for personal care or food items. By playing this game, I save about $440 a year on just that one item, picking up 3-4 boxes at a time on the sale and get almost $75 in RRs to use as we please!
I will be getting 3 boxes this week and have $24 in RRs to use at the store over the next two weeks, unless Walgreen's has a killer deal on produce, LOL!
**They have deals next week where you pay $19.99 a for the same pack and get a $10 Gift card MIR (it took 5 months to get them the last time they did this!) So I prefer the instant gratification of a RR,
What do you do to save on your medications?
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