The Big Princess Party... It was a SUCCESS!! (A lot of pictures)

You have been hearing me talk about it for a few months (HERE) -- and today was the day!
We invited twenty and got ten.

Take ten adorable little girls, plus Miss Sarah's "big sister" from next door --
and it was a recipe for a Magical Time
Everything was ready for them to arrive: 
Each place setting had a bottle of Princess Punch,
baby carrots in dip, Princess cookies, Princess Popcorn and a Crown Sandwich -
and put on the dressed up paper plates (shown HERE)
Let's not forget the Princess Cupcakes...
 The "Design-A-Crown" tables were ready...
Even the "Pin the Jewel On The Crown" Game!
 They seemed to love it all!
First they crafted...
Then they ate...
 Singing Happy Birthday to the Little Princess...
Princesses need style and grace -- a good test is walking with a book on your head!
We checked to see who could do it the furthest...
but everyone won the same prize.
Remember those "pillow boxes"?
I stuffed them with the blinggy rings and few strands of beads)
Now, on to the gifties!
We pulled two chairs over and you got to sit next to the Birthday Princess
when she was opening your gift... 
You name it - she got it!
Squinkies, Princess Lip Gloss, Princess Tea Set,
Baby Rapunzle Doll, Hello Kitty Sunglasses/Beach kit,
a diary, adorable pageboy hat, purse, jewelry,
Strawberry Shortcake Dolls,
Balloons, Polly Pockets,
and my personal favorite: a hand sewn princess nightgown!
That woman is GIFTED with the sewing machine !!
(I gotta get to know her better...)

Of course, the swing set was a hit too...

Now, for a few "behind the scenes" pictures:
I made the flowers for the tree out of tissue
The hubster hung them last night, in the dark with fishing line.
He tied it to a scissors, threw the scissors up in the tree, and it came down over a branch.
Both ends of it were tied to different flowers, so I could control their heights.
I know - he is BRILLIANT!
It's easy to take a label off a water bottle and make a new one -
but you need to remember one thing:
when it condensates, it will bleed though your ink!
Use packing tape on the BACK of it to prevent that, before you put the labels on.
I added Crystal Light Mix Ins to make it "punchy".
If you want the labels, let me know - I have them 3 to a page and they are generic!
The Princess Cookies were simple -
I laid them on a silicone baking mat -
drizzled melted white chocolate over them and
sprinkled with heart cake confetti.

In the next few days I will share the tips on the shaped sandwiches
and how to make the most A-MAZ-ING cupcakes from a box mix!

Tomorrow is the "family" party -
with all the grand parents, etc.
It will be fun too - but not as fancy as we are also celebrating Father's Day.

Happy Birthday Beautiful Princess!


  1. Absolutely, adorable. Great job. Loved the crafty but not costlyness for all those lil things that came together to make a big beautiful Princess Party. This year my daughter wants Barbie theme but I will be using your ideas because she is also a princess :)

  2. Thanks Alwaysblessed!!
    I spent less than $40 on the party - from food top postage - but there was plenty of "WOW" factor for the girls.
    Just remind your peanut that Barbie has been a Princess in about half of her movies, LOL!

  3. I would love to get your labels for the water bottles. My email is Thanks so much!! Very cute party, I'm copying!

  4. Also, what did you use to cover the chairs?


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