So This Is Miss Sarah.....

We have had a few fun photo shots with different photographers lately. Some have been paid jobs and some, like this one, for the pictures. We now have a full portfolio and are meeting with agents. She LOVES it and this is a simple way to sock more money away for college. =) As long as it's fun, and she wants to do it, I will be happy to take her... I just have to approve of the "job" instead of her blindly being assigned to something, after all we have family values. I'm not a rookie to this - I did a bit of it in and after high school (back when I was younger and much thinner, LOL) I was a big hit for mall catalogs/fliers and hair shows. Someday, maybe I will share a few of MY pictures... =) Every photographer has had fun with her and wanted to use her again, our last with 3-Bean Studios on a shoot for CourtneyCourtney Designs. (and no, she isn't wearing any make up) You can see Susanne's post about it and some more pictures HERE .